Tuesday, June 21, 2011

4 Weeks of Cardio - Day 3

Week 1 continues, and this morning I hit play around 10:20 am with Core Synergistics: MC2. We'll get to that in a second.

First off, yesterday I was feeling pretty energetic and decided to do the Bas Rutten Boxing CD in the afternoon. I got five rounds into the workout and then my back and arms started to feel pretty destroyed. I didn't feel like I got enough of a workout, though, so I decided to pop in Yoga X. It wasn't the best yoga workout ever since my arms were pretty rough, but the second half actually went pretty well. My legs got an awesome stretch from this too, which was really necessary because my legs were pretty sore from the many workouts I've had this week already.

So that was yesterday. As for today, the vacation week continues and I woke up around 8:30. Had some coffee and a banana and sat until 10. My buddy Jay asked me what I was doing today, and long story short he decided to come over and join me for Core Synergistics. Jay had never done a P90X workout or any DVD workout before, and he looked pretty spent by the end. It was a lot more difficult than he'd thought, and it was cool having someone to workout with. As for me, I was pretty destroyed by the end of this workout. My body is pretty sore today but I pushed through and was feeling excellent by the end.

Today Jay, my buddy Anthony and I are going to go hiking too, so I'm excited how much great things I'm doing for my body today. I have a plyo workout scheduled today too, and I'm planning on getting that in after hiking, but I'm conceding that that might not happen. I'd really like it to happen, though, so I'll keep you posted.

One more quick shoutout for Jay - congrats on finishing a P90X workout!

Time to get ready for hiking. Bring it!

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