Sunday, May 29, 2011

Asylum Day 15: Part 2 - Speed & Agility

This was my scheduled Asylum workout today, and it went awesome! My legs were feeling a little weak, mostly in the knees, but I pushed through and kept my pace up really well. This was by far my best attempt at Speed & Agility, and I'm starting to really enjoy this workout.

I really like Asylum overall. This workout is really fun. Like, it noticeably tries to be fun. And more and more I'm seeing that in all of the Asylum workouts. Don't get me wrong, they are hard. Very hard. I don't think I could even get through any of these if I hadn't built up with P90X and Insanity, but once you get past how hard they are everything feels like a game. All of the drills focus on sports training, and when you get in your mind that you're practicing a sport, and essentially playing a sport, it's just fun. You're playing, and getting a great workout at the same time. That's what I really noticed in Speed & Agility today, and in Game Day that's like the entire focus. The hard part comes from the fact that you never stop playing. The breaks are very few and far between, and even though they're 30 seconds, most of them do not last the full 30 seconds. The pace of every workout in this program is similar to Pure Cardio from Insanity, which is the fastest pace I've ever had in a workout. Endurance is absolutely necessary!

Ok, long winded post on my love for Asylum. For anyone just learning about this program, take caution, because you will need a strong fitness base with an emphasis on endurance, but once you get past that you will get through these workouts covered in sweat with a big big smile on your face.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day, so I get the day off and I have Vertical Plyo. I'm glad I get to sleep in before doing this workout. We'll see if that makes a difference; I'll let you know.

Bring it!

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