Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 1, 90 and 180 pictures

From left to right we have Days 0, 90 and 180 (Day 90 of Round 2). I didn't lose as much weight this round, and honestly didn't weigh myself for about two months. That's partially because I feel weight is a poor indicator of success since I'm building muscle too. I notice somewhat of a difference in my stomach between 90 and 180, but not as much as I'd hoped for. I wasn't the best nutrition person this round, though, and attribute a lot of that to that. That said, I notice a great difference in my neck and chest areas, the latter feeling a lot stronger. Also my arms (which are hard to see in these pics) are the biggest and strongest they've ever been in my whole life, which is why I really look forward to continuing the resistance workouts throughout Insanity.

Nutrition is a huge part of all of these programs, especially as I move forward. I've lost as much fat as I can with my diet, and will be getting back onto the nutrition program starting Sunday. That, plus the additional cardio should put me a lot closer to my goal of being a rock hard sex magnet. But there's still some great changes being made between all three of these photos, and I am stoked about my success.

Expect a recap of P90X Round 2 sometime soon, but I'm glad I got these pictures up.

Way to Bring It Fat Free Jew! Way to Bring It!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Matt!
    Keep it up man! You'll get the body you want. Remember Rome wasn't built in 180 days.
    You will get there. Now go dig deep!
