Friday, January 29, 2016

Quick update - Month 1 is Done!

Month 1 is complete.

I'm writing this a little later in the day. Went to a very cool work event this morning, but my schedule's all out of whack. Also, probably no walk today. Sad times.

Anyways, the good news: Month 1 is done, and for the final time in my current program I completed Friday Fight: Round 1. It wasn't my best workout, last night we didn't get much sleep (poor baby got shots the other day and isn't sleeping well, plus I got up earlier than normal because of the work event) but I still pushed and was very pleased with today's workout. B, B+ maybe. I'll take it!

Then there's the scale. Goal today was an aggressive 222.5, and I sadly came in at 224.2. So, missed goal. But, I was 226 yesterday, so I still came down quite a bit. Also when I saw the 223 on Wednesday, I wasn't wearing my glasses, and there's a chance it actually said 225. Maybe that's just me wanting to believe.

Anyways, missed goal or not, today's weigh in is locked in stone, which makes Monday's goal 223.7. Let's do it!

Onward, to Month 2! All new workouts! I've got a crazy weekend scheduled workout wise, starting with P90X3 Eccentric Upper on Saturday and moving onto Bas Rutten MMA on Sunday. That last one I'm worried about. It's just like the kickboxing one I was previously doing, except with burpees. A lot of burpees. In my previous attempts I've never made it passed Round 4. But hey, new year, new challenge, new me. I've got this!

Bring it!

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