Hey folks, I just wanted to make a shout-out for the Bring It app for the iPhone. This has been one of the main things that's kept me going on this whole program, and it's the entire reason I even have a blog. You can update a blog straight from the app, and I can't describe how much the blog keeps me motivated. You can also track calories, which I don't use, you can write down all of your exercises (which Tony and I highly recommend) and in general it's just a great way to stay on top of your P90X routine. To top it off, there's other programs, including Insanity and Power90 in this too, so it's very diverse if you choose to do a different workout program from BeachBody.
Check out the app and get your workout into overdrive!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day: 26, P90X Core Synergistics
![]() | Daily Note: One more day in Recovery Week left. I'm dying to get back to lifting! I can't tell if I've actually lost any weight or gained any muscle. Yesterday, though, I wore a t-shirt to work and two or three people made a comment about my arms. Maybe there's some change? I'll be taking my Day 30 picture next week, but sorry folks, I'm not posting any pictures for you until Day 90. Alright, time to get ready for work. |
![]() | P90X Core Synergistics Status: Completed Core Synergistics went a lot better today, but it's going to be a while before I can actually do this workout well. I kind of wish this workout came more often in the program; I'm not going to see it again until the next recovery week. It's not that I enjoy it as much as I want to get better at it so I don't dread it. |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day: 25, P90X X Stretch
![]() | P90X X Stretch Status: Completed I was kind of dreading the stretch day because I figured it would be boring. It kind of is, but I started my day with it and I just kind of zoned out. The whole thing went by pretty quick, and my body feels pretty spectacular. I'll see if I can put this back into my rest days when the schedule changes next week. |
![]() | P90X Cardio X Status: Completed Ya, I threw in an extra round of cardio x when I got home. I have all of this extra energy now; it's great! |
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day: 24, P90X Kenpo X
![]() | Daily Note: This recovery week is well placed. I'm really feeling drained from the last three weeks, and even though I'm still working out this week, I'm really glad I'm not lifting. I might try one more cardio program if I have time tonight, but we'll see how that goes. I'm looking forward to stretch day tomorrow. Hopefully after this week my body will feel strong again and I'll rock month 2! |
![]() | P90X Kenpo X Status: Completed This was a hard Kenpo X day. Not sure why, but I felt rough during the whole thing. My arms and legs feel exhausted, and those are what you use the most in this. But I got through it. Not the best workout but not the worst either. |
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day: 23, P90X Core Synergistics
![]() | P90X Core Synergistics Status: Completed Wow. Core Synergistics is difficult. The stuff you see in Cardio X doesn't even come close to the whole thing of this. I'll admit, this was a poor workout for me. I struggled with a lot of stuff. The only bright side is this is also how I felt after my first day of Plyo. I think my comments were about the same. Now, I can definitely hold my own in Plyo! So I don't know when, but by the end of this whole thing I'm going to be rocking some Core Synergistics! That's been the cool thing with P90X so far; you slowly get better at things. There's definitely things that I couldn't do one of, but I never hit stop. As long as I don't hit stop, I can watch and see how they do it. Eventually I always feel necessary to "just try one" and next thing I know I can do 10! Who cares if I don't keep up? If I can just do a little more each time, eventually I'll get there. I'm in no rush, and at the end of this 90 days, even if I haven't lost a pound, no matter what I'll at least be a ton stronger and healthier than if I didn't do it. Feeling inspired now. Can't wait for tomorrow. Bring it! |
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day: 22, P90X Yoga X
![]() | Daily Note: A year ago I tried P90X, and made it 3 weeks. As of today, I've officially gone further with P90X than my first attempt. I'm taking this one a lot more seriously too; I actually have a decent eating plan, I own actual weights instead of just one band, and I have this blog. The blog is helping me immensely. It forces me to document everything, and I feel like I don't want to let my readers (whether I actually have any or not) down. It's a cool motivator. I finally took a day off yesterday. It felt good, surprisingly. My legs were really ready for Yoga X today, so every once in a while I'll have to do a rest day I guess. Feeling excellent today. Bring it! |
![]() | P90X Yoga X Status: Completed My best Yoga X yet, and I enjoyed it a lot more too. The moving stuff feels much more comfortable and that let me work a lot harder at it. I was soaked and felt great! I'm starting to see how and why this whole thing works. My legs were a lot stronger in yoga today....well ya, that's because I've been doing Plyo and Legs & Back. My arms are stronger on arm day. Well ya, that's because two days before I did a crap load of pushups and pullups. The workouts all build on each other, so even though you aren't using the exact same muscle each day, you still build the strength for the next day's workout. Feeling great! Yoga X is actually pretty awesome. |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Day: 20, P90X Kenpo X
![]() | P90X Kenpo X Status: Completed Week 3 is completed! Oh man I am destroyed after this week. Today was the first time I was so wasted in a workout that I had to pause and get some protein powder in my water. But I finished Week 3, and I am probably taking tomorrow off. I miiiiight do stretch, but I think I need a peaceful day. Bring on the first Recovery Week! Week 4 here we go! |
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day: 19, P90X Legs & Back
![]() | P90X Legs & Back Status: Completed I'm just gonna say it...I do not like this workout. There's this sense of hostility in it, and some of the camera shots don't make sense. I think I'm going to look for another Legs and Back workout from Beachbody. That aside, I did it. Legs are the largest muscle group, I think. I'm not actually anything resembling a doctor, but I heard that somewhere. Anyways, the bigger the muscles, the quicker I burn fat. Big muscle, big burn, so I push myself through this one. Today was rough at work and I was on my feet all day, so I kind of dragged ass. But I completed the whole thing. I did do way more pullups than I've ever done before though, so that was awesome! I realized today that every week I've done P90X is also a week I can say "This week I did more pullups than I've ever done in my life." That's amazing to me! See, even on a dragging ass day I still manage to bring it. How awesome is that?! |
![]() | P90X Ab Ripper Status: Completed I don't know if it's because I dogged it on Legs and Back or if I'm actually getting (really) stronger, but I rocked this one! I mean really rocked it! I even did 40 (almost all 50) of the mason twists! This six pack thing seriously doesn't sound impossible now. I figure I can get abs in 2 rounds, but if I see anything in round 1 I will flip! New goal? We'll see! One more day until the end of Week 3! Bring it! |
Ab Ripper,
Ab Ripper X,
Legs and Back,
P90X Classic,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day: 18, P90X Yoga X
![]() | P90X Yoga X Status: Completed Tony asked on Facebook a few weeks ago "when did you go from hating yoga x to loving it?" I can't say I love it yet, but I definitely don't hate it. The moving section is still really tough, but I can make it through about 75% before I ever break. And today I did every single pushup! I've gotta count next time, but I think that's 30 extra pushups! That's awesome! I do this one early in the morning, and I really want more cardio, so right now I'm planning on doing either cardio x or kenpo x tonight. We'll see how it goes. Right now I'm just going to enjoy my protein shake and the great stretched out spine I have right now. Namaste. |
P90X Classic,
Yoga X
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day: 17, P90X Shoulders & Arms
![]() | Daily Note: It's been my goal since I was in 8th grade to have a six pack. It's never happened. This time, it will. Maybe not on my first run through of P90X, but my goal is to do it twice, followed by Insanity. After today's Ab Ripper X round, I feel like I really have a shot at this. Bring it! |
![]() | P90X Shoulders & Arms Status: Completed Great workout! I couldn't get moving this morning, but after forcing myself to hit play I started to get into this workout. I need heavier dumbbells eventually though. I have bands to help, but I much prefer weights. But even so, I still got a great arm workout, and I even added 2-5 reps to everything! Adios Shoulders and Arms! I'll see you in week 9! |
![]() | P90X Ab Ripper Status: Completed Not all the way there yet, but I am getting a lot stronger with ab ripper. Did a lot more than I usually do. |
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day: 16, P90X Plyometrics
![]() | P90X Plyometrics Status: Completed Wow! I rocked this one! My squats were all real squats and my jumps were all in the air! Like really in the air! The second half wasn't nearly as strong as the first, but I was still rocking out some great stuff. What amazes me most about this whole thing is that nothing's actually gotten easier since the beginning; it just feels easier to push myself harder. I don't know if that makes sense, but I kind of dig this more. Pushing myself makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. And one of those anythings is P90X! I'm real glad today's workout was great, because I really felt like I'd screwed everything up yesterday. Glad to know I can still have an occasional crazy night and not completely destroy the hard work. Feeling wonderful right now! Bring it! |
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Day: 15, P90X Chest and Back
![]() | P90X Chest and Back Status: Completed Ya, I ended up having a little too much fun last night, and as a result I feel like garbage today. My pushups were noticeably stronger, but overall I just couldn't give it my all on chest and back. I'm a little pissed about that, since today is the last time I'll see this workout until Week 9. Well, not the best way to start Week 3, but here we go. Bring it! |
![]() | P90X Ab Ripper Status: Completed |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day: 14, P90X Cardio X
![]() | P90X Cardio X Status: Completed Ok, I might be addicted to Cardio X. It's a lot of fun. Today was my day off, but I really feel great after this exercise, and tonight's Joe's birthday party, so I need some energy. And there's gonna be beer, so I'm really glad I worked out, though there's a chance I'll have some will power. Week 3 starts tomorrow! Bring it! |
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day: 13, P90X Kenpo X
![]() | P90X Kenpo X Status: Completed That's all she wrote for week 2! Kenpo X is done this week, and my shirt is sufficiently soaked! Next to Cardio X, this is definitely my favorite workout. It's a lot of fun. I still can't believe the cardio workouts are my favorite. Tony did a great job making these challenging and enjoyable. Tomorrow is either a day off, a stretch day or (according to me) a cardio x day. I'm beat from this week now, but we'll see how I'm doing tomorrow. One more week until the first recovery week. I am making progress! |
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day: 12, P90X Legs & Back
![]() | Daily Note: Just wanted to talk about nutrition in here. I don't track calories, but I'm huge on portion control. Lots of wraps or a chicken breast. Eating tuna right now. Side dishes are pretty much gone, and I really don't miss them all that much. I like the main dish more. I eat something about this size 3 times a day, and about every hour and a half in between I'll eat some edemame, a serving of hummus, a banana or a granola bar. Protein shakes about once a day too as a meal. On weekends I'm allowed to cheat with whatever food I want, but I'm never allowed to cheat on portions. Oh, and I've pretty much cut out mayo, which is really big for me cuz mayo is delicious and should be on everything. I use Greek yogurt or hummus. Between those two things you can wipe mayo out. Tuna's great with the yogurt, and wraps are great with either. And mix a packet of ranch dressing powder into yogurt and it's an amazing dip! Goes great with chicken or just dipping pita chips. I'm honestly not sure if it's a good diet, but I'm a picky eater and I love to eat. I guarantee this is healthier than I used to eat, and I really don't feel deprived. Wish me luck! |
![]() | P90X Legs & Back Status: Completed This is not a fun workout. I don't know why, but I just don't enjoy legs and back. I did it, but I dogged it a little. However, on the first set up chin ups, I did 5! Like I really did 5! Not struggling to kind of get up there....like really Up Down Up Down. That was awesome! The pull ups were a lot weaker than the chin ups, but I can still struggle through a few before I switch to the total gym. By the way, on pull ups, I use my total gym instead of a chair. I feel like i get a better workout this way. Well, it's done. One more day in Week 2, and it's Kenpo X. Bring it! |
![]() | P90X Ab Ripper Status: Completed This was by far my strongest Ab Ripper X! I did 25 on about half of them. That's huge! And somehow the oblique ones at the end I could actually do. I didn't realize I was doing them wrong before, but the motion just seemed a ton more like Tony's, and I felt a way better burn. I think I finally had enough strength to keep the legs together. It was pretty awesome! |
Ab Ripper,
Ab Ripper X,
Legs and Back,
P90X Classic,
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day: 11, P90X Yoga X
![]() | P90X Yoga X Status: Completed Yoga X is done! I felt a lot stronger than last week, but it's going to be a while before I can do this entire thing without taking breaks. The second half does feel great though. I love the stretching poses. I don't feel like I'm getting the cardio I need from this, though. Yoga X Day is the other day I work out in the morning, so maybe I'll get in an extra round of Cardio X tonight. We'll see. Namaste. |
![]() | P90X Cardio X Status: Completed I was sitting on my couch doing nothing, so I decided to do cardio x. I skipped the yoga stuff since I did yoga x this morning. Good workout, and I'm surprised that "just sitting around" was enough motivation to do cardio. I really dig this workout. Hopefully I can keep this energy until Day 90, and I'll get a little better results. Bring it! |
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day: 10, Shoulders & Arms
![]() | P90X Shoulders & Arms Status: Completed Great stuff. I do this one in the mornings, so it was hard to get moving in the beginning. I pushed through, and about 15 minutes in I felt a really great burn. Finished this arm workout strong. My left bicep is really sore now, but other than that I feel great. Time to start the day! |
![]() | P90X Ab Ripper Status: Completed Much stronger on everything in ab ripper today. I still can't do everything, but there were a few where I did all 25. That's huge for me! I can't wait until I can rock this whole thing. |
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day: 9, P90X Plyometrics
![]() | P90X Plyometrics Status: Completed Oh my God I feel fantastic right now. Just finished Plyo 5 minutes ago! I really wasn't feeling like working out today, but I got home and hit play anyways. I was doing ok, but felt pretty tired a few minutes in. I pushed through, and about halfway in I decided to see how hard I could push myself. It was hard and hurt way more but I could do a ton more than I thought. Things I was taking tiny steps on last week I was flying through the air on tonight. The end kicked my ass, and by the sports bonus I could barely keep up, but man oh man do I feel amazing right now. Excellent workout. I may be able to do this with the weight vest by day 90 after all. |
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day: 8, P90X Chest and Back
![]() | P90X Chest and Back Status: Completed Today was really hard to get moving, but I finally hit play around 2pm. I felt a lot stronger on my pushups and added one or two more pullups to most of the sets. I still can't do very many, but it's getting there. My chest is dying right now! Good workout, but there's still a ways to go. |
![]() | P90X Ab Ripper Status: Completed Today I was dragging on ab ripper. I did a few more reps on some of the exercises, but others that I can't do I'm just not getting myself into it. And I think I'm using too much lower back on a few things, but I'm not sure how to fix that. Ab ripper is done though and I'm drenched. I'll tackle this thing again on Tuesday! |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day: 7, P90X Cardio X
![]() | P90X Cardio X Status: Completed Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I felt like doing something physical and decided to do Cardio X. Good workout, but the core stuff at the end destroyed me. This is an awesome workout. I really dig all of the different workouts you do. Week 2 begins tomorrow! |
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day: 6, P90X Kenpo X
![]() | P90X Kenpo X Status: Completed Awesome workout! I was still a little sore from this week, so I was feeling sluggish, but this thing worked me and made me feel great! I can't wait til I'm stronger and can rock Kenpo X! Might do stretch tomorrow, or I might do cardio x. Having Saturdays off seems nice, but I feel like I should still do something. I'll let you know. |
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day: 5, P90X Ab Ripper
![]() | P90X Ab Ripper Status: Completed |
![]() | P90X Back & Biceps Status: Completed I don't know where the Legs and Back DVD is, and it was getting late so Back and Biceps had to do. I've never done this workout before, and I see now why it's not meant to be done until the second month. I am beat! But I got through it the best I could, and it wasn't bad. It did kick my ass enough that my ab ripper was a little crappy, but I finished it too and I feel good. By the way, last night I decided to eat a giant burrito from Roberto's around 10:30. This used to be no problem, but today I woke up feeling TERRIBLE! No more late night eating from this point forward, and no fatty foods on weekdays at all. Nutrition is the hardest part of this, and I'm taking it seriously this time. Almost done with Week 1! Time to finish strong! |
Yoga X Update
I had a long lunch yesterday, so I decided to do Yoga X on my break. Unfortunately, I forgot that this workout is an entire hour and a half, and I just didn't have the time to finish it. When I got home, I had to work on a paper for school, so Yoga X did not get completed.
To top it off, after writing the paper I decided to eat a burrito, immediately before bed. It's the next morning now, and I feel absolutely terrible. I guess I'm not in college anymore, but hopefully this turns me off completely from the late night eating.
Not finishing my workout and eating terrible, I feel like yesterday was not a success. That's ok though; this whole process is going to be a learning experience. I have another weird schedule day, so I'm going to do Legs & Back on my lunch break (this one's actually going to fit in the time frame), and when I get home tonight I'm going to finish up Ab Ripper X and maybe even throw in a Cardio X workout. We'll see how my legs are doing.
Bring it!
To top it off, after writing the paper I decided to eat a burrito, immediately before bed. It's the next morning now, and I feel absolutely terrible. I guess I'm not in college anymore, but hopefully this turns me off completely from the late night eating.
Not finishing my workout and eating terrible, I feel like yesterday was not a success. That's ok though; this whole process is going to be a learning experience. I have another weird schedule day, so I'm going to do Legs & Back on my lunch break (this one's actually going to fit in the time frame), and when I get home tonight I'm going to finish up Ab Ripper X and maybe even throw in a Cardio X workout. We'll see how my legs are doing.
Bring it!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Finishing My Workout From Yesterday
Ab Ripper went a lot better last night. My abs don't hurt nearly as much as they did on Monday, so I guess that means I'm getting stronger. I also didn't feel too terrible after my ab workout, so I decided to throw in a round of Cardio X. I'd never done this workout before, and I have to say it's actually a blast! It's short segments of all of the cardio workouts on P90X, from Yoga to Plyo to Kenpo. Very cool.
So ya, great workout day for me yesterday. My legs are still really sore, but I'm getting through the day. Taking a long lunch, so I can hopefully bang out YogaX around 1:30 today, and if not I can get to it tonight.
So ya, great workout day for me yesterday. My legs are still really sore, but I'm getting through the day. Taking a long lunch, so I can hopefully bang out YogaX around 1:30 today, and if not I can get to it tonight.
Ab Ripper,
Ab Ripper X,
Cardio X,
P90X Classic,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Using My Own Music
Oh, one more thing to add today. About 5 minutes into the first workout the other day, I remembered that the music on P90X is awful! I switched to the no music option, and I play Pandora from my phone. I find this a lot nicer. Anyone else tried this?
Day 3, P90X Shoulders and Arms
Day 3 is (almost) in the books. I couldn't sleep this morning, so I got up and did the Shoulders and Arms workout. I didn't eat before, though, and by the end was feeling a little queesy, so I decided to skip Ab Ripper X this morning. I'm playing Racquetball tonight, and I could use a warmup, so I'm going to do Ab Ripp...er when I get home tonight. |
![]() | P90X Shoulders & Arms Status: Completed Great arm workout, but I need to buy a more diverse set of dumbbells. I woke up early for today's workout so I can play racquetball with the guys after work. I felt sick on an empty stomach after the first workout, so I'm saving ab ripper for tonight. Sitting on the couch now before I get ready for work. Good workout. Day 3 is in the books! |
![]() | P90X Ab Ripper Status: Completed |
Monday, September 6, 2010
Days 1 and 2
Welcome to Day 2. Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday, but I did get started. For P90X Classic, yesterday was Chest and Back. The pushups weren't terrible, but I'm in pain today. The pullups need some work. I'm not really able to do ANY pullups, but I struggled out one or two on each one. I have a Total Gym in the gar...age, so after each pullup set I'd pause it and do 10 pullups on there too. By the end, though, I was worked. Struggled through the finish, and my Ab Ripper X was pretty weak. Still, it's completed, so I feel good.
Today's a weird day schedule wise, so I woke up early to do Day 2; Plyometrics. This is going to be a tough one for me. My legs are dying right now, and the second half I'd say I crapped out. I finished, but not as strong as I wanted. By the end of this thing, I want to be able to do this whole DVD with a weight vest on. It might be ambitious, but hey, nothing's wrong with that.
Good luck today folks and I'll see you on Day 3.
Starting with P90X
There's a lot of these blogs out there, so I figure they must be out there for a reason. And the app I'm using to track my P90X workouts has a blogspot link, so why not? Let's see if this helps me stick to it!
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
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