Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MMA and Cardio

Last night I got home from work, sat on the couch for about fifteen minutes, and then hit play on a pretty damn good workout! I started with the warmup from Cored Cardio & Balance from Insanity. I was planning on doing Bas Rutten, and I realized last time that I do not warm up properly for this workout on my own. Fortunately I own plenty of DVDs with good warmups, and took advantage of that. It felt good to start a workout moving fast with Shaun T (even though this is the easiest of all the Insanity warmups). My legs are still aching from all of the squats, so the warmup was a little tricky, but I think until I get back into a solid cardio routine the squats will always be killing my legs on cardio days.

After the warmup there was a good stretch, and by the end of that my muscles were feeling pretty loose and good.

Then I turned the DVD off, threw in the Bas Rutten Workout CD and got moving. I am a huge fan of this workout. It feels like one of the hard days from my old karate days as a kid. I've talked about it before, but basically it's shadow boxing while Bas calls out strikes to throw, and after somewhere between 30 seconds to 2 minutes he goes into some actual exercises, like pushups for 30 seconds, abs for 30 seconds, etc. It's like that for 30 minutes. I chose this one because I hadn't done regular pushups in a while, and there's some bicep work in there (cardio many curls as you can do in 30 seconds) and I felt like my biceps aren't getting the right amount of attention.

Ten minutes into this my shoulders were on fire. The day before I'd shoulder pressed more than I'd ever pressed before, so that makes sense. Strikes became pretty hard to throw, but I pushed through. I was having trouble keeping my guard up too, but I did as much as I could. And pushups were weird. I did all of them on my knees so I wouldn't kill my chest (today is bench press day so I was preparing myself for it), but what I mostly noticed is that after a few sets my shoulders had trouble supporting my body at the top. My arms were like jello by the end of this workout!

30 minutes went by pretty quick and I felt great afterwards. I modified a lot of things because of my legs from squats, but I still had an amazing workout. I've done this one a few times before, and every time, last night included, as soon as I walk out of the gym my girlfriend has said I am soaked. She doesn't say that about every workout, but this one every single time. That means it's awesome! I'm glad I can get such a good workout in.

After the CD I did a ten minute stretch and called it good. It felt good to throw punches and kicks and move around, plus I like the total body workout stuff. This is one I definitely need to do more, and I have more workouts like it that I want to start doing too. Expect me to throw in The Pit workout next week!

Tonight we get back into Starting Strength and I'm actually feeling pretty pumped for it. I have to make up last week's bench press since I didn't finish my sets (I think...I have to check my notes) and we're squatting 185! I'm thinking I can handle that much, but I need to go lower! Wish me luck!

Oh, and for those of you who read my blog and are working out tonight, be prepared for some deadlifts tonight! It's going to be a good night!

Bring it!

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