Sunday, February 5, 2012

PT 24/7 Combo Sculpt and ESP-XC Day 1: Legs

Alright, big things are happening! I've been working out consistently again, at least for the last week, and I've finally started a new program. Let's get a recap...

On Friday I got home and popped in Combo Sculpt from PT 24/7. I've made fun of Tae Bo in the past because honestly it's not my type of workout. I love martial arts workouts, but the Tae Bo I've done in the past has been cheesy aerobics at best. Not the case with PT 24/7. I've done two or three of these DVDs since I bought it and I've gotta say they're a blast. Practical combos, lots of punching and kicking, and the bands/gloves that come with the system are awesome. They tie your hands to your feet so you have resistance when you punch and kick and it totally works.

Back to the story, Friday I did Combo Sculpt. This one used way more kicks than I'd done in this DVD series before and it added a nice new challenge. The combos were mostly 3 or 4 strikes done slowly for a few sets, then the other side, then faster on both sides, then move on. The pace is really fast and it makes for an awesome cardio workout. Coming in just over 30 minutes it made for a good quick cardio workout before dinner with the girlfriend and some friends too.

Saturday I took a rest day, and today, Sunday, I finally got started on ESP-XC. I've been talking about this program for a while, I've done a few of the workouts just to do them, but today was officially day 1: Legs.

I absolutely hate working my legs out. It's like the most painful thing that man can experience and any chance I can pass on it I do. So starting with this made me a little weary. The entire thing is six 5 minute rounds, almost entirely doing body weight stuff. Most rounds were a 2 minute exercise, a 2 minute exercise and a 1 minute exercise, and the exercises ranged from isometric stuff like holding a squat to doing sets of kicks. I've gotta say, this was one of the better leg workouts I've ever done. I enjoyed not having to touch weights (I usually like weights, but not on leg days) and right now my legs are on fire so it feels like they got a great workout. Sadly I've gotta do this one again at the end of this week, so wish me luck.

ESP-XC, so far, has been a cool program. Ya, today's only day 1 but I've watched/done a few of the other discs and I like it. The coach, Ken, is pretty chill and is a good motivator. The music is the best of any workout DVD I've ever done, which is probably because it's all house/techno music. That's good considering you can't turn the music off. I hope this program goes a little more mianstream someday. I like it so far.

So tomorrow I have a scheduled workout! I'm pretty sure it's the upper body workout, but don't quote me on that. I'll keep you posted.

Bring it!

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