Thursday, June 2, 2016

Wow, it's been almost a week since my last post

Ya, got busy and totally forgot to post. Let's get some updates in.

First off, a four day Memorial Day weekend had me pretty much give up my diet. That was the plan, so I'm ok with it. I mostly kept in control in terms of portions, minus several (read that: lots of) cookies, but food wise I obviously dove head first into the land of carbs. And it was glorious and delicious. Oh, and there was beer! I forgot how delicious beer can be!

I came out of the long weekend on Wednesday weighing in at 192.2. So ya, I went up a lot. But hey, that was the plan.

Now, I did spend the entire weekend working out as well. Saturday and Monday were both heavy lifting days, and heavy lifting they indeed were! I came away from both workouts feeling excellent!

Sunday I had Max Out Cardio scheduled to kick off Week 6 of Max:30, and it went pretty well. B+ levels. Hey, I was smack in the middle of a carb binge, it's ok. I decided to follow it up with P90X3 Yoga, but that ended up being a little too hard. Which is crazy to say, because I love yoga. I just haven't done it in a very, very long time, and my body wasn't having it. Time permitting, I'm going to try to get this in once a week (probably on Sundays) to get that flexibility back.

Tuesday's the only workout I skipped out on. Tuesday's kind of an up in the air day anyways. It's written as Bas Rutten, but as long as I do something I'm happy. My wife invited me to her gym with her, and since I happened to be off work it sounded fun. We did two 10-minute sets on the treadmill (beginning and end) and used machines to go through a total body workout. Obviously I'd done total body heavy the day before, so I focused on reps and getting that pump. Overall, felt good, and it was really fun working out with the wife. I'm hoping to do it again next week when I'm off work too!

Speaking of that pump, I added in something new: feeder workouts. These are short workouts (maybe five minutes) right before bed, where I pump out 100 reps on my arms on days I worked out and the day after. The goal (according to the Internet) is to get the blood flowing into the areas I've recently worked, and when that blood is pumping I go to bed. Then, when my body is repairing itself while I sleep, I've provided extra blood to those muscles to aide in the process. No clue if it works, but a few folks are saying it made all the difference in their arms and I'm willing to give it a try.

Wednesday I got through Max Out Sweat. This wasn't my best workout (this was the first official day back on no carbs), and this thing is still killer, but I actually felt excellent at the end. A- for sure. Very cool. I'm looking forward to absolutely dominating this workout next week though!

This morning I lifted weights. Now, before I go further into that, let me give you another update. Right now, my Saturday/Monday lifting days are about 90 minutes long, and are comprised of various segments from the BodyBeast DVDs. My wife has sadly asked me if I can go shorter than 90 minutes, as it's cutting into family time. I get it, weekends are for family. So yesterday at lunch I sat down and thought about how I could shorten my workouts. And ultimately, what I realized is I could push a lot harder and go a lot faster and still hit total body if I just skipped the DVDs. The trick here is that I need to stay focused. Previously, working out without DVDs hasn't gone well for me. I convince myself I've done enough or sometimes I slow down my pace, but hey, I'm willing to see if I have more willpower. Anyways, I sat down at lunch yesterday and wrote out a few hour long (actually an hour and ten minutes on a few) workouts, spelling out exactly how long I wanted to spend on each set/rest etc.

So why is this relevant? Well, this morning I was feeling pumped/curious about it, so even though I had a 40 minute workout scheduled using DVD snippets, I decided to try one of them out. I know, it's not what I had scheduled, but when it comes to lifting this summer, each workout is full body, so it doesn't really matter which workout I do specifically. The different workouts purely provide variety so I don't get bored.

Anyways, this morning actually went awesome! I started at 5:10 and had to be done by 6, so I sadly had to skip abs, but other than that my almost-an-hour-long-full-body-workout went great! I did a combination of Super Sets and Force Sets on every single body part, and came away excited to try this again. Saturday I'll give it a go on one of the hour and ten minute ones, not skipping abs this time. Assuming this works out (read that: I don't get lazy) this will be an awesome way to lift this summer. And, bonus, I get to listen to my own music now rather than whatever's on the DVD!

So, final notes. Like I said, yesterday I clocked in at 192.2, which puts Friday's goal at 191.7. However, I weighed in this morning at 188.8. Water weight, right? Friggin carbs. Anyways, I'm still shooting for 191.7 tomorrow, so I should be on pace as long as I keep diet clean the rest of the day. It's already late in the day and diet's clean so far, and fish for dinner tonight, so I think I'm in ok shape.

Looking forward to crushing Friday Fight Rd. 2 tomorrow to close out Week 6. Let's do this folks!!!

Bring it!

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