Friday, May 6, 2016

Still mixed feelings about this week

Quick check in to round out Week 2.

First, I did Friday Fight Rd. 1 today and it was awful. Just couldn't muster up the energy, plus my left foot hurt a lot around the arch. It's been hurting a few days, but this was a little worse. Meanwhile, right now it feels fine (about 9 hours later). Barely broke a sweat, just couldn't get into it. Hey, it happens.

Clocked in on the scale at 192.2. Ok, that definitely isn't 191.0. Granted, that was a very huge goal considering where I was Monday, but damn, this means I've lost 1.6 in 2 weeks, so ya, I'm off track. Weekend cheat days are hurting me. I can cheat a little, but I ate WAY too much on the last two weekends. Three pieces of pie and three cookies on Sunday. Ya, no good.

This weekend I'm keeping it clean no matter what, since my official weigh in is Monday morning, but moving forward I'm sticking to a reasonably sized cheat meal on weekends. No more binging. If I want a cookie, I am having A cookie. Not 3. And not 3 plus 3 pieces of pie. Gotta get this part under control.

I did a good walk at lunch today to make up for the bad weigh in this morning too. So, that happened.

Tomorrow I'm hitting the weights. Normally that's Sunday territory, but Sunday is Mother's Day and I want to make sure my wife has an amazing day, so this makes more sense for the schedule. I'll still workout Sunday, but it'll be my short yoga/abs session instead.

Final thought: I'm switching back to my old weight loss tracking system. I let myself get too lazy on weekends to the point that my tracking got screwed up. Ok, today is 192.2, so Monday is 191.7. That means I need to push. But it's three days and half a pound. Totally doable, so let's do this!

Bring it!

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