Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Starting Strength Week 11 Begins

We got into Starting Strength last night. It was a small group, so we got done quick. I was also pissed off thanks to poor communication by my statistics professor, but that's another story. My head was spinning when I got home, and lifting weights sounded like a really good plan.

I got started with 175 on squats. I did all three sets and felt good about the form. I'm going to move up to 180 on Wednesday, and hopefully continue progress for a few more weeks. It's noticeably harder to go as low as I have been, especially compared to where I was a few weeks ago. I've gotta pay close attention to my form, because I can easily see myself reverting to old ways. Last night I had good form, but it was borderline not good. I need to go lower, every single day. I'm still upping it to 180 on Wednesday, but I may stay there for a few days.

Bench press was next, and I made some progress on 170. Two sets of 5 and 1 set of 3. I thought I was actually going to be able to finish it, but the chest and arms just stopped working after that third rep in the last set. Still, this is great progress for 170, and the form was excellent on all of these reps. I think I'm finally getting over being tired from pushups in the mornings! Expect me to complete this one on Friday, because it's definitely on my radar!

We finished with chinups. I did 1 set of 11, 1 set of 10 and 1 set of 8. That's only 1 more rep than last week, in the 11 set, but I finally did more than 10 on a set! Next week I'd like to get two sets over 10, and all three to at least 10. It's ambitious, but that's my goal.

No abs. We were tired, I was hungry, and that was about it.

Good workout overall. Today is Tuesday, so it should be cardio night, but Gears of War 3 came out today and that's all I want to do tonight. Well, that, and make crab pad thai with my girlfriend. It's going to be a good night. And fortunately, the premier of Glee is tonight too, which means I can play my video games without feeling guilty. It's going to be a good night!

Alright, that's all I've got.

Bring it!

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